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Drawing leading to The Library of All Souls College in University  of Oxford, England
The Library of All Souls College in University of Oxford, England (Painting by A. Pugin).


  • Goodness and Nature
    Martinus Nijhoff, 1987

Note: 2005 online version now available.
Please click the following link to Read or download: Download/view the book
(PDF format, size 1.21MB. Table of Contents clickable)

  • Paperback Edition:
    Goodness and Nature and the Supplement

    bound together in one volume
    Occasio Press, 2011
    Place order online here or here
  • The Politics of Aristotle
    Translated with introduction, analysis, and notes
    University of North Carolina Press, 1997
  • A Philosophical Commentary on the Politics of Aristotle
    University of North Carolina Press, 1998
  • Vices, Virtues, and Consequences: Essays in Moral and Political Philosophy
    Catholic University of America Press, 2001
  • On Karol Wojyla
    Wadsworth Philosophers Series, Wadsworth, 2001
  • Note: Wadsworth Edition now Out of Print.
    New: Reprint by Lucairos Occasio Press, 2014.
    Click here Or download: here
    (PDF format, size 540B)
  • Translation of Franciso Suarez' 1613 Defense of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith against the Errors of Anglicanism ('Defensio Fidei Catholicae et Apostolicae contra Errores Anglicanae Sectae')
    electronically published, 2011, at
  • Paperback Edition:
    Suarez. Defense of the Faith. Volume 1

    Occasio Press, 2012
    Place order online here or here
  • Paperback Edition:
    Suarez. Defense of the Faith. Volume 2

    Occasio Press, 2012
    Place order online here or here
    The Eudemian Ethics of Aristotle. Translated with Introduction, extended Explanatory Comments, and accompanying translation of On Virtues and Vices
  • Online Link
    The Great Ethics of Aristotle. Translated with Introduction, extended Explanatory Comments, and accompanying translation of Arius Didymus' Epitome of Peripatetic Ethics
  • Online Link
    The Authenticity of the Gospels.
    Description and Orders

Drawing leading to The Library of All Souls College in University of Oxford, England
The Library of All Souls College in University of Oxford, England (Painting by F. Mackenzie).


  • Video Interview about the Nature of Democracy with Chris Hedges
    Online Link
  • Radio Interview about Political Illiberalism with Guy Rathbun
    Online Link


Ancient Philosophy

  • Making the Citizens Good: Aristotle's City and its Contemporary Relevance
    Philosophical Forum 22 (1990): 149-166
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  • Aristotle's Criticisms of Socrates' Communism of Wives and Children
    Apeiron 24 (1991): 99-113
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  • Contemporary Virtue Ethics and Aristotle
    Review of Metaphysics 45 (1992): 503-524.
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    Also published in Virtue Ethics, ed. Daniel Statman (Edinburgh University Press, 1997): 245-259.
  • Aristotle's Idea of the Self
    Journal of Value Inquiry, 35, (2001):309-24
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    Also published in Human Destinies, ed. Fran O'Rourke (University of Notre Dame Press, 2013): 56-80.
  • Grisez on Aristotle and Human Goods
    American Journal of Jurisprudence 46 (2001): 75-89.
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  • Defesa Defensavel da Escravidao em Aristoteles
    Hypnos [Sao Paolo, Brazil] 7 (2001): 70-82. [Portuguese version.]
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  • Aristotle's Defensible Defense of Slavery
    Hypnos 7 (2001): 228-38. [English version of the previously listed article.]
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    Also published, in a revised version, in Polis 23 (2006): 95-115

  • Plato’s Laws in the Hands of Aristotle
    in Proceedings of the VI Symposium Platonicum, Jerusalem 2001, ed. Samuel Scolnicov and Luc Brisson (International Plato Series, Academia Verlag, 2002): 298-303.
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  • Les Lois de Platon entre les mains d’Aristote
    Revue Française d’Histoire des Idées Politiques (2002/3): 295-307. [This is a longer version, in French, of the previously listed article.]
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  • Socrates joven y viejo: dal Parmenides al Fedon
    Los Similes de la Republica VI-VII de Platon, ed. Raul Gutierrez, (Lima, Peru, 2003): 107-118.  
    [Spanish Version.]
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    [Revised English version.]
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  • Deus e Sócrates sobre os Males do Governo
    Hypnos 15 (Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2005): 13-24
    [Portuguese version.]
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    [English version.]
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    The same essay was also published, in a shorter version, as ‘God and Socrates on Global Non-Government,’ in The Philosophy of Culture, ed. K. Boudouris (Ionia Publications, Athens, Greece, 2006), vol. 1: 229-234 
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  • The Disillusioned Hegelian: Barker’s Readings of Plato
    Polis 23 (2006): 263-285  
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  • Aristotle’s Regime of the Americans (English Version)
    Aristotelous Politeia Amerikanon (Ancient Greek version)
    in Aristotle’s Politics Today, eds. Robert B. Talisse and Lenn Goodman. (SUNY, Albany, 2007): 109-128  
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    [Portuguese version.]
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    Also available as a stand-alone paperback.
    Place order online here or here
  • Reasoning with Mathematicians: What Theaetetus tells us about Forms in Plato's Theaetetus
    Hypnos 21 (Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2008): 178-187  
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  • La Participacion Platonica (Platonic Participation)
    Cuadernos de Filosofia 51 (Buenos Aires, Argentina, Spring 2008): 11-22
    [English Version.] 
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  • Aristotle (on Government or Regimes)
    in A Companion to Ancient Greek Government, edited by Hans Beck (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013): 105-118
    Pre-publication version
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  • Aristotle on Natural Justice
    in Estudios Publicos 26 (Santiago, Chile, 2013): 1-22
    [Spanish version.]
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    [English version.]
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    A shorter version of the same article appeared in Studia Gilsoniana 26 (Poland, 2014): 367-376
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    An adapted version of the same article appeared as 'Justice and Diversity in Virtue Ethics' in Justice Through Diversity, ed. Michael J. Sweeney (Rowman and Littlefield, 2016): 3-17.
  • Aristotle's Four Ethics
    in Philosophia 15 no.2 (Manila, Philippines, 2014)
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  • The Sounds of Music: Modal Ethos in Problemata XIX.48
    (On the Ancient Greek Modes)

    Hypnos 34 (Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2015): 1-22
    [Portuguese version.]
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    [English version.]
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  • Aristotle's Prayer (or Aristotle's City of God)
    in L'Excellence Politique chez Aristote, edited by Emmanuel Bermon, Valery Laurand, Jean Terrel (Peeters, Louvain la Neuve, 2017): 187-205
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  • von Arnim, Arius Didymus, and Augustus
    in Arius Didymus on Peripatetic Ethics etc., edited by William W. Fortenbaugh (Routledge, New York and London, 2018): 293-308
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  • Elections, Stasis, and Music: Aristotle's Political Incorrectness
    Prospettive sulla Politica di Aristotele, Cogito 7, 2024. Studies in Philosophy and History, eds. Federico Casa and Antonio Vernacotola Gualtieri d'Ocre (EDIZIONI UNIVERSITA DI TRIESTE): 135-152  
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Textual Criticism

  • On the Text of Some Disputed Passages in Aristotle's Ethica Eudemia
    in The Classical Quarterly, 2012, volume 62, issue 02, pp. 541-552
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  • Aristotle's Ethica Eudemia 1220b10-11 "en tois apellagmenois" and De Virtutibus et Vitiis
    in The Classical Quarterly, 2013, volume 63, issue 02, pp. 651-659
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  • Emending and not Emending the Text of Some Passages in Aristotle's Ethica Eudemia
    in The Classical Quarterly, 2013, volume 63, issue 02, pp. 660-679
    Click Journal Link here or
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  • Aristotle's EE: the Text and Character of the Common Books as found in EE mss.
    in The Classical Quarterly, 2019, volume 69, pp. 1-15
    Click Journal Link here 
    or Pre-publication Version  
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  • Griesbach's Rules. Appendix: Johann Jakob Griesbach's Synposis of Rules for Textual Criticism
    translated from the Latin of the Third Section of the Prolegomena to his Novum Testamentum Graece Halle, 1796.  
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  • The Dream Argument and Descartes' First Meditation
    Auslegung 9 (1982): 300-310
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  • The Nature and Origin of Ideas
    International Philosophical Quarterly, 25 (1985) 15-30
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    [An excerpted version of this paper was published in Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800
    (Gale Research Company, Detroit, 1988), vii 291-294]
  • Schopenhauer and Wittgenstein on Self and Object
    Schopenhauer Studien 6 (1996)
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  • The Rejection of Skepticism
    The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy. Volume 6: Epistemology, eds. Dermot Moran and Stephen Voss (Philosophical Society of Turkey, Ankara, 2007): 25-28.  
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Medieval Philosophy

  • The Definition of Person: Boethius Revisited
    New Scholasticism 62 (1988): 210-220
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  • Practical Thinking: Some Comments on Finnis and Aquinas
    Modern Schoolman 62 (1990): 111-122
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  • Have You Tried Scotus? Aquinas Didn't Know Everything
    Commonweal (June 14, 2019): 12-15  
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Moral and Political Philosophy

  • Skeletons in Autonomous Morality's Cupboard
    Irish Philosophical Journal, 1 (1984): 36-58
  • Politics and Human Nature
    American Journal of Jurisprudence 31 (1986): 79-96
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  • Autonomous Morality and the Idea of the Noble
    Interpretation 14 (1986): 353-370
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    (PDF format, size 132KB)
  • On the Alleged Incoherence of Consequentialism
    co-authored with Robert McKim, New Scholasticism 62 (1988): 349-352
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  • Liberalism: Political Success, Moral Failure?
    Journal of Social Philosophy 21 (1990): 46-54
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  • Justice, Scheffler and Cicero
    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 65 (1991): 203-211
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  • Consequentialism, Incoherence and Choice: a Rejoinder to a Rejoinder
    co-authored with Robert McKim of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 66 (1992): 69-74
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  • Political Authority and Moral Education
    Public Affairs Quarterly 9 (1995) 47-62
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  • Community in a New Libertarianism: Rejoinder to Legutko
    Critical Review 9 (1995): 427-429
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  • UN Power Grab: The International Criminal Court
    Crisis 17 (1999) 17-19
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  • Student Essays and Plagiarism
    APA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy, Summer, 1999
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  • A Century of Anglo-American Moral Theory
    in Philosophy: the Last One Hundred Years,
    ed. Brian Shanley (The Catholic University of America Press, 2001)
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  • Thoughts on the Occasion of the Recent Terrorist Attacks in the United States
    Hui Quan 2001.9 (Renmin University of China, Beijing): 1-5.

Also published in Peace, War, and Terrorism, ed. Dennis Okerstrom (Pearson Education, Longman, New York, 2006): 9-24

Also published, in a revised and shortened version in Ethics of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Philosophical Research vol.3, ed. George Meggle (Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt, 2005): 197-205

  • Class Participation: Why Won't Chinese Students Speak Up?
    Commonweal (April 5, 2006): 11-12  
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  • Terrorism in Northern Ireland: A Case Study
    in Terrorism: The Philosophical Issues ed. Igor Primoratz (Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 2004): 161-174  
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  • Also published in Slovenian in Terorizem. Filozofska vpraanja, trans. Marko Kercer (Ljubljana: Zaloba Krtina, 2005): 205-220

  • Representative Democracy's Feet of Clay
    Die Fragile Demokratie -- The Fragility of Democracy, ed Anton Rauscher (Soziale Orientierung Band 19, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2007): 277-290.  
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  • From "I" to "We": Wojtyla's Phenomenology of Love
    Far Eastern University Colloquium 3 (Manila, Philippines, 2009): 105-26
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  • "We are Bruised Souls." Maritain's America 50 Years On
    The Renewal of Civilization. Essays in Honor of Jacques Maritain, ed Gavin Colvert (American Maritain Association, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2010): 3-23  
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  • "Je m'accuse!" or Unraveling Collective Financial Irresponsibility
    Verantwortung in einer komplexen Gesellschaft -- Responsibility: Recognition and Limits, ed Anton Rauscher (Soziale Orientierung Band 20, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2010): 159-171.  
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  • A Corruption of Oligarchs
    On Oligarchy. Ancient Lessons for Modern Politics., ed David Edward Tabachnik and Toivo Koivukoski (University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2011): 70-89.  
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  • Toleration Today and in Medieval Christendom (or how Medieval Christendom got it Right)
    Toleranz und Menschenwuerde -- Tolerance and Human Dignity, ed Anton Rauscher (Soziale Orientierung Band 21, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2011): 283-293.  
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  • The Communitarian State
    Universitas (Taiwan) 489 (vol.39 no.8, 2012): 5--28.  
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  • Property the Basis of Freedom against the State
    Das Eigentum als eine Bedingung der Freiheit -- Property as a Condition of Liberty, ed Anton Rauscher (Soziale Orientierung Band 22, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2013): 241-250.  
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  • Theocracy's Challenge
    Challenging Theocracy. Ancient Lessons for Global Politics, eds. Tabachnik, Koivukoski, et al., (University of Toronto Press, 2017): 195-216.  
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  • The Corruptions of Music
    Explorations in Ethics, ed. David Kaspar, (Palgrave MacMillan, 2020): 287-304.  
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  • Abortion Laws. A Suggestion for Politicians
    Life and Learning, XXX (2020), ed. Joseph Koterski, S.J. (University Faculty for Life, Fordham University): 241-244.  
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Philosophy of Religion

  • Global Religious Education
    Philosophy of Education in the Era of Globalization, ed Raley & Preyer (Routledge, New York 2010): 212-225  
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  • Transcending Justice. Pope John Paul II and Just War
    Journal of Religious Ethics, 39 (2011): 286-298  
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Philosophical Practice

  • Experience in Philosophical Practice. A Lecture by Gerd Achenbach for the 10th ICPP, 11 August 2010, Leusden, Netherlands
    English translation by Sjoerd Hoornstra, Marie Lund, Peter Simpson, and Arjan Snijder